Work Samples 1

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I have always used PowerPoint for any type of presentations I had. I first used it in middle school and then high school but then I came across a website named Prezi which can be used to present and used for in many meeting settings. The use of Prezi makes the fonts, and other tools more accessible as using and the insert button is easy to find if you need to add a video.

The first page you will see templates and categories which is new. The categories have sales, marketing and education. I chose the education category which led me to the education themed templates which is a pro because many teachers and students don’t have time to differ the templates so dividing it into categories is a quick and easy search. As you pick the template you want then you begin designing the type of slides you want. You can add videos easier for example, you can just copy and paste the URL of the video then click embed and the video is up and ready to be played. The goal of choosing Prezi is to show how it is easy yet creative it can be. Many students can work on it on which can make it interactive. Searching the link of the Prezi is easy, you create the link and you have the option of making the work public to the world or yourself only. I have add two videos of the prezi that I made to show the overview of what the viewers would see and video of what is present and the comparison to PowerPoint.

This was made using prezi for a Spanish project.

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